This matters little when you can’t look in the mirror today.When you value money over your principles you soon loose both. Men who wear their wealth, consume their success in objects, merely become janitors of their things. Money Doesn’t change people, it reveals them. At a minimum make yours equitable.A friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move a body. Relationships are not fair, they are not just. Compromise is what you get when no one gets what they want.
The shortest distance between 2 people is usually unbearable. In the practice of tolerance, your enemy is your best teacher. The only difference between my driving and a monkey forcibly defiling a football is mph and opposable thumbs.If it cannot be achieved in high heels it may not be worth doing. I appreciate everyone, however, I appreciate some more in their absence. If you can’t say something nice, say something dirty.
……I do nothing halfway If you can’t laugh at yourself I will do it for you.